RememberMore App
for schools
Demo RememberMore now
Set up in less than 60s
Download and install RememberMore for free
Enter the group code demoschool (all lower case)
Enter your name
Start quizzing immediately
Choose a deck (top right)
Select Review
Design your Review by selecting your card Tags
Select your Mode
Begin your Review
Immediate feedback
Click on ? to see additional notes
Review your progress via the Session summary
Check your Session has synced via Settings
Review My Stats
Review your Rewards
What Teachers are saying
"As mocks conclude the RememberMore Dashboard insights show a strong correlation between length of time spent on the app and improved student outcomes."
"Improvements visible include: faster recall in class, improved attitude to the subject, increased confidence in knowledge."
"[use of the app] is a useful proxy of independence and ownership."
"I have a tricky class of Year 8 , [they have had] lots of different history teachers. I'm convinced Successive Relearning has had a positive impact on behaviour."
Get started with RememberMore
RememberMore Free
Get a branded Classroom, RememberMore app and Dashboard for your school.
Add and manage up to 200 users when you sign up for your own group code.
Pick up to 5 Decks of ready-made editable content.
Create up to 5 Decks of your own.
Access the same decks between Classroom quizzes and homework on the app.
Remove the need for homework marking.
Track learner progress using Dashboard metrics and gain insights for your teaching.
RememberMore Pro
Get a branded Classroom, RememberMore app and Dashboard for your school and pro features.
Add and manage unlimited users when you sign up for your own group code.
Curate the decks that you want - access unlimited ready-made Decks across subjects.
Create decks of your own - create unlimited Decks.
Access the same decks between Classroom quizzes and homework on the app.
Remove the need for homework marking.
Track learner progress using Dashboard metrics and gain insights for your teaching.
Remembermore Dashboard
Select "Sign up"
Using your pre-registered email follow the on screen instructions to create a password
A verification email is sent to your INBOX*
Schools email management services may send the verification email request to your junk folder or it may quarantine the email. Please check with your IT Manager.*
Verify email.
Revisit and Log in.
Remembermore Dashboard
Manage your platform
Track your pupils metrics
Gather teaching insights on your content
Add and manage your decks
Manage users
Building and adding decks
Build decks in Google Sheets and import as a CSV. Deck Template and 'Word Prepper.'
File: Share: Publish to web. As a CSV.
Goto Dashboard. Paste the link via Edit Decks: Add Decks: Import from CVS.
Build decks in Dashboard.
RememberMore Pro
Platform subscription - £199 per year
Deck packages - £99 per year
"I like to use this resource when at home as it helps me learn more as well as remember information about the book we are reading. I like to be prepared for the upcoming lessons so using this helps me learn key facts. This app helps me feel more confident going into class." Year 7 Student User